04 October 2013

Senior Homecoming Mum

Hello and welcome back.  Today is Homecoming at our school.  I made this mum for the young lady that my son asked to Homecoming.  They are both seniors and I only found out this year, that Senior Mums are supposed to be only white and silver or white and gold.  So, I decided to go with the white and silver as it seems to be the more traditional at our school.   Off I went to the stores to get all the ribbons and trinkets and I must admit that I had a lot of fun planning it all out and then putting it together.  So here is the end result ...  (remember that you can click on each picture to see the details more clearly)

This is the pic of the whole mum including the ribbons.  While looking for inspiration, I have to tell you that I was shocked at the size of some of the mums.  Not only, are they huge, but they are so heavy that they come with neck harnesses.  I decided to go for something less flashy but hopefully tasteful and elegant.

This is a close up of the mum itself.  I put a little teddy in the centre and glued a little trumpet to his hand.  My son is the trumpet player, lol, she plays the flute and is the head drum major of our school marching band.

There were over 20 ribbons.  The base ribbons were all plain white and silver.  Then the fun started ... adding all the other ribbons with patterns and sayings.  One of the ribbons has her name and my son's name on it and the year.  The other I made by cutting the little loops all at 6" inches and then stapling and gluing them one on top of the other so that I could put the silver letters that say Drum Major 2013.  After I was done putting all the ribbons together, I went to town with the gems.   A girl has to have some bling :-)  I used them in the large open spaces between sayings, all around the lace part of the mum and a few spotted here and there for good measure.  If you click on the photo you will be able to see it better.  I even put one on the centre of the teddy's neck bow :-)
I must admit that I'm very proud of myself.  I was raised in a country where football is actually soccer and there are no Homecomings or mums or anything like it.  So after becoming great friends with Google this was the end result :-).  She picked it up yesterday and said she liked it so I guess it was worth all the research and the multiple trips to the stores.
Thanks for your visit today.  I will be back tomorrow with the HIMCR # 118 challenge - it's all about Halloween colours!


  1. Wow Lena I think it is fantastic, you are clever I like the little bear and the ribbons, we don't have homecoming here in the UK, some of our schools do have a prom now days.
    Kevin xx

  2. This is amazing! Love all the different ribbons. The teddy bear looks so cute holding the trumpet. What a wonderful gift! Great job!
    Lots of Hugs,


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