13 August 2012

Clear/Cling Stamps Organized

As you know I've been in a organizational frenzy.  There were just some areas in my craft room that were not working for me in a convenient way any more.  My clear/cling stamps was one of my major peeves. I had them all in clear CD cases, but not only was I having a problem in finding them, but they cracked and broke constantly.  Also I was finding that I had to use two boxes for every stamp set I bought because not all the stamps would fit in one case.  So, I started looking around at different storage ideas and this one came up a few times and I thought that it would work for me, so I bought a few boxes (lol 60 of them) from SU! and went to work. Take a look below:

I went from this ...

 To this!!!
(and I still have a few to do, but waiting for the rest of the boxes to arrive)

Let me give you a closer look ... I had these little crates that I had bought previously and they are perfect for these stamp boxes.  It holds 11 of them. One thing about these little crates that annoyed me was the fact that they interlock, which is normally a good idea except when you are trying to take just one out.  So hubby came to the rescue and sawed the little tabs off of the sides.

And this is what I did ... Let me use my Peachy Keen Stamps as an example:  I used the original card that came with the stamps to put on front cover.

All my cute little faces are in the same order on the inside of the box ...

I made this template, with the help of my daughter, and used it on all my boxes to keep some sort of uniformity. On the "spine" I have the name of the stamp set, on the front I have the pictures of the stamps and on the back I have a box that states the manufacturer, name of stamp set and it's reference number, just in case I ever need it.

 Unfortunately, for the most part, I no longer had the original packaging or any information about the stamp set, so in this case, for example, I just called them Halloween Cuties :), and stamped them on the front of the template and left the box at the back blank. Might not be the best, but it works for me lol.

 In some cases, where I still had the original packaging, I used that to put on the front. Not only does it look pretty but saved me a ton of stamping :)  Also see examples below ...

If anyone is interested, my template size is 10 5/8" x 7" and the it's made using Word. If you would like a copy, just e-mail me at lenfon@msn.com and I will send you the attachment.
Next, I'm going to deal with my stamp pads. Thanks for stopping by today and sharing my organizational adventures. I'm busy finishing off a card for a dear friend, so I will post that later.



  1. It's been so much fun going on an "Organizational Frenzy" with you! :)

  2. It has been fun hasn't it? Well, there is more where that came from :) You'll have to put the pics on your blog.

  3. Love this idea, great job Lena:) I have to organize a lot of stuff in my craft space as well. I just feel better when things are in place and organized:)

    Peace, Love, & Cricut Hugs!
    Monica L.

  4. wow! That is so organized. May be...may be I am going to follow your way of organizing my stamps.
    You did a GOOD job.

  5. these stamp holders are awesome! i wish i had shelf space to do this. i have mine in binders



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