08 June 2024

Beach Fairy Garden

Hi everyone.  If you're a follower of my blog, then you know that my favourite Season is Summer, that it's just never too hot for me and that I absolutely love, love the beach and could happily have made a career as a Beach Bum 😁 

When I'm not at the beach, I'm normally thinking about it, planning our next trip to it, or just wishing that I was there.  So, this is what I was busy with today ... my very own Beach Fairy Garden!

My husband filled the pot about 3/4 full with some sort of foam spray that solidified. This filled up the pot very nicely and keeps it light.  Then I layered about 2" of sand sloping it down towards the "sea".  I used aqua crushed glass for the ocean.  The beach house was purchased at Hobby Lobby and it was all built from there.  All the palm trees, grasses, ferns, and chair set were purchased from Amazon - most under the "cake toppers" section.  The mermaid, turtles and driftwood were also purchased from Amazon but under the "doll house" section.  The small section of fence, sea shells and lights are from my stash.

It took me a while to get everything just the way I had envisioned it, but I must admit that I enjoyed every minute of it, and I'm quite please with the way it came out.  Now, every time I walk by it, I mentally count the sleeps till I'm at the beach again, and God willing, this year it will be without Covid or any of it's cousins!

I hope you enjoyed your visit today.
Crafty hugs,


  1. Oh my goodness Lena, you've outdone yourself with this darling oceanside fairy garden!!! I am in awe and in love with what you did!!! We must be kindred spirits, as I could easily be a beach bum as well. I had made a fairy garden a few years ago. Not as fancy as yours but here's a link if you want to take a peek. https://craftingwhileiwait.blogspot.com/2018/07/fairy-birthday-wishes.html


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