16 June 2024

Happy Father's Day

 Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads!  I hope you all had a fantabulous day and were spoilt rotten 😀

Today I'm sharing the card I made for hubby to celebrate what an awesome dad he is and has always been.

One of hubby's hobbies is painting.  He is very creative and his paintings are beautiful.  I have posted a couple at the bottom of this post, in case you want to take a peek. So, knowing how much he loves to paint, I created this card for him using some of the new dies that I just received from Marianne Design, called Papercraft Accessories.

For my painter I chose a cute Hedgehog, also from Marianne Design, and proceeded to add all the bits and pieces.  The greeting was made using the Silhouette, print and cut feature.

For the painting on the easel, I used an image that I got from Google, reduced it in size, printed it on photo paper and then die cut it using one of the dies that comes in this set.  The background is from a cutting sheet called Eline's Flower Garden Backgrounds from Marianne Design.

On the inside, I added a few left over crayons. The sentiment is computer generated.

This card turned out to be 8.25" x 4" in order to accommodate the pre printed background.

Now as promised, here are a few art pieces that hubby painted and currently decorate our home.

This one was painted from a photo we took in Ferragudo in Algave, Portugal.

This one was painted just for fun.

This was a painting hubby did on our son's room when we moved to our current home.  My son was young at the time and everything was about Spiderman. 😀  This created the illusion of having Spiderman coming in thru one window, attaching the web to the ceiling and flying out the window of the other window on the other side of the room.

The following is not the best of pics, but you get an idea of how hubby painted our daughter's room to match her bedding.  It was gorgeous! It went all the way around the room and he even painted a few tiki huts on the other wall.  By the time we moved homes, it turned out to be a great selling point.  The family who bought our home had a young teen girl who fell in love with the room :-)

And now you understand why I say that both our kids got their artistic flair from their dad, because I can't paint worth diddly!  I shared my son's talent for painting miniature models in a post not too long ago (click here if you'd like to see it), and you should see how my daughter turned my granddaughter's room into an under-the-sea fantasy and my grandson's room into an outerspace adventure.  If  I can get a pic of their rooms, I will come back and edit this post.  

***   EDIT ***

Well, I got the pics ... here they are

The under-the-sea fantasy

and the outerspace adventure 

Well, that is all for this post that has turned more into a novel, but at least it has illustrations 😁

Hugs to all,


  1. Wow!!! I'm speechless and trying to pick my jaw up off the floor from all the amazing artistic talent in your family, including you Lena!! Your card is so very creative and absolutely darling. Your hubby's painting talents are outstanding as well. Goodness, what a lovely post!!!

  2. Wow, wow, wow! The card and everything else is stunning! xoxo


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