15 December 2021

Origami Christmas Tree

 Howdy and welcome back crafting friends.
One of the long standing traditions in our home is an advent calendar.  Hubby got this one for us many years ago and it still stands beautifully on our sideboard in the dinning room.  I noticed this year that some of the little doors are a little bit warped, but we've had it for so long, 

I can't imagine getting rid of it.  Today is the 15th and today's treat is an Origami Christmas Tree made using a $5 note. 

I followed the directions on a YouTube tutorial and used removable zots to hold it together.  I also decided that a little decorating would make it look more festive, so I cut out a star and a punched out a few little circles and adhered them to the "tree" also using removable zots. I think it came out pretty cute, so I thought I would share it with you all 😀

And now a little story about us:  two years ago, hubby and I watched "The Holiday Calendar" Christmas movie.  A week later, and just before Christmas, an Advent calendar arrived on my doorstep.  Yup, you guessed it, I loved the movie and the calendar so much that hubby got me an Advent calendar from the movie.  It sits beautifully on the other side of the sideboard in the dinning room.  I put a little table top Christmas tree next to it so we have a place to hang the little ornaments each day.

And while I'm showing you this, I wanted to share with you my latest crafting project - the table center piece.  I've struggled for so long to find something I really liked.  As you can see our light fixture hangs quite low over the table, so you can't have something that is very tall.  It just looks odd.  The table is 80" long so to find something that was long and short has always been a problem, so I decided to make it myself and I think it came out pretty and just the way I wanted it.  Thanks to hubby for making me a base out of wood and painting it in such a way, that you can't tell the little bits of green showing up in between all the springs.  The candles are battery operated and work on a remote, you guys, it's the coolest thing.  Can't have real candles with little ones at the table.  I had the funnest time with my grandson.  I was holding the remote without him knowing and told him to flick his fingers and just like magic he could turn the candles on and off.  It's such a fun and precious memory! He felt like a super hero 😀

OMGoodness, this post has turned into a novel.  If you're still reading, thank you for taking the time to hang out with me this morning 😘

Merry Christmas


  1. Funny that, I was watching a television programme about Christmas traditions the other evening and the origins of Advent calendars came up. The first was recorded in the UK in 1956. I had no idea they were relatively modern!! Yours are beautiful, as is your centrepiece xx


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