20 August 2012

Joyful Angel Christmas Card

A very simple card I made late last night, but I think it came out well.  I'm going to try to use up most of my Christmas papers I have from past years.  I think I may be addicted to paper :) and Christmas paper is definately my downfall.  As are Christmas stamps, Christmas embellishments, Christmas anything really. So I'm going through a 6" x 6" matstack at the moment and I just love this music note paper which I thought matched perfectly with my music note angel. Add a little green cardstock and a poinsettia and voila, another Christmas card is made.  3 down, 61 to go :)


  1. What a pretty card:) I loved that music note paper, it went very well the music note angel. Great job Lena, thanks for sharing.

    Peace, Love, & Cricut Hugs!
    Monica L.

    monita23 at ca dot rr dot com

  2. The angel is beautiful. Love the music paper. I know what you mean by being addicted to paper. lol There should be a support group! I should get started on Christmas cards too. I love the poinsettia. I'll send you my addy so make that 62 more cards. :-) Great job!

  3. I love the angel stamp ( me and my angels) The music paper is very nice and matches good.

  4. This card is soo pretty! I love the angel stamp!


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