26 July 2012

Snowboarder Card - Male Birthday

I made this card for my cousin's birthday.  At first I thought, it was a little silly since we are all in the middle of summer, but oh well, I wanted to use this cut and I don't have any birthdays in December :)
The snowboarder is cut from the Dude cartridge and the trees are all from PDDU cartridge cut different sizes.  I used some blue chalk to ink the edges and to lightly add a few snow drifts. Looking at it now, I think I will add a little Liquid Applique to the trees to give the impression of snow.


  1. Lena,
    This is so cool! What is the size?


  2. Looks good. Very nice for a man.
    Insoired by my x mas cards? ha ha.
    Also the folding is very nice

  3. Diana,
    Thank you for your sweet comment. I appreciate hearing from you. The size of this card is 8.5" by approx. 3.11/16" I just took a 8.5" x 11" piece of cardstock and folded it into 3 panels. It fits into a regular business size envelope and does not cost extra postage.

  4. Hi Marian,
    Yes, all your winter cards and cold reports from the weather there, inspired my snow card for Valerio :)


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