07 July 2012

Another Vacation Share

I feel so bad that I haven't really kept up with my blog, life took over and card making is on the back burner at the moment, so I thought I would share another part of my vacation with you ...
As I mentioned before Portugal has a stunning coastline with sheer cliffs and beautiful beaches.  Here are some of the different beaches we visited - can't remember the names of them all, but they were all beautiful!  Take a look and let me know what you think ...

 My son and hubby flying a kite ...

 Braving the cold Atlantic waters :)
 It's about 7:00 pm and as you can see the beach is deserted - do you know why? ...

Because everyone has gone to the restaurants, bars, clubs, etc to watch the Eurocup 2012 :) This is the view from the back of these beach restaurants.  It is taken from the top of the cliffs.  It was one of my most enjoyable moments to have really delicious food while watching the games on huge screen TV's right on the beach - soooo very relaxing!

A panoramic view of half of the Praia da Rocha which is one of the most well known resort beaches on the Algarve.  You won't believe how many people exercise by simply walking the length of this beach from one end to the other.  Apparently 20 minutes of walking on soft beach sand is equivalent to 2 hours walking on regular ground.  How wonderful to exercise and catch a tan at the same time and to be able to take a quick dip to cool off inbetween - I could see myself exercising this way ... then again maybe not lol

I have another gazillion photos I took but it would make this post even longer, so come back soon and don't give up on me.  I promise to start card making again soon.



1 comment:

  1. Beautiful water! Would love to walk on the sand! Sounds like great exercise. Keep the photos coming. I won't give up on you. It's summer and you get busy doing other things.
    Lots of Hugs,


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