10 June 2012

Shirt Card for Father's Day

Hi my crafty friends ... I miss my posts and you my friends, but we are having a wonderful holiday and watching the Eurocup like the avid football (soccer) fans we are :). So far neither Portugal nor Holland are doing very well as they both lost their first games.  It should be fun on the 17th when they play each other - we always have good natured ribbing and teasing in our family due to our divided loyalties :)
Before we came on holiday I had to make two Father's Day cards and this is the one I made from my son to Dad. My son liked it so I'm hoping Dad will like it too.  I used double sided paper for this card from my stash and made the tie out of ribbon that I also had in my stash and coordinated beautifully with the colours of the paper.  I found the verse online and added it to the inside.  I will post the other card within the next few days. If you want directions for this card, you can find them here. Thank you Dawn for your very clear instructions!



  1. Hey
    even from Portugal a card making message.
    Now you hav to make one for Holland because they are going to win from Portugal!!!!
    Ha ha Love from your Dutch sister in law

  2. So cute! And my favorite color. Great job on the tie. I know your husband will love it. I made one of these last year for my dad and he loved it. I love her instructions. I'm glad you are having a wonderful holiday! Go Portugal? Hope the team you want wins. Enjoy the rest of your vacation with your family!


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