26 June 2012

Back from Vacation :)

Oh what a wonderful time we had!  As usual when you are having fun, time flies by but we were able to make some wonderful memories of time spent with family and beautiful places we visited.  I'm going to share some of those memories with you ...
Portugal has the most stunning coastline with sheer cliffs dropping straight into the Atlantic ocean.  Amongst the cliffs are pocket beaches and beautiful caves made by rock formations.  Here are a few pics of our visit to Ponta da Piedade - a specifically beautiful part of the coast in Lagos, Algarve.

 This is the view taken from the top of the stairs. Let me tell you that although I didn't count how many steps there were, it sure felt like over 500, especially on the way up :)

 Look at the beautiful sea water and how clear and clean it is.  Unfortunately it is just as cold as it is beautiful. I've been told that towards the end of August, the water does warm up to where you can actually jump off the boats and go snorkling.

 This is the other half of my family - each boat only takes 5 people.  This pic however gives you an idea of the little boats we used.

 Some of the rock formations have, with time and erosion, developed into familiar shapes, so here is Camel's head.

 And here is the Gorilla.  Can you see him?  You may have to click on this pic to make it bigger so that you can see it better.  But from this angle, you can clearly see the Gorilla on the right hand side.  Look at his huge head :)

 Look at the little entrances we went into ... there were times my husband and son had to sit tightly together so they wouldn't hit their heads on the rocks on the way in.  This was Lover's Cove.

 Here is one of the pocket beaches I mentioned above.  Look at the cliff side ... can you imagine going down those stairs with your cooler, beach umbrella, chairs, etc. just to be at this secluded beach?  As pretty as it is, this would have been on my "No Way" list :)

 Had to take one last pic as we climbed those stairs to leave.  It's just absolutely stunning!
It was one of those trips that we will always remember and maybe even go back to one day.

I hope you have enjoyed this memory with me.  I do have a couple of cards to post, but I wanted to share a few of my memories with you and will be doing more sharing in the next few days, so come visit again ....


1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Lena, these pictures are absolutely beautiful! So jealous! I'm glad you and your family had a wonderful time. I can't wait to see your cards. Maybe some scrapbook pages from your trip?
    Lots of Hugs,


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