12 May 2012

Congrats End of Year Card

My son has had an excellent academic year at school. When I look back at how much he has achieved this year I'm totally in awe.  He is heading into his Junior year of High School and I just hope and pray that he keeps this up!  We are so extremely proud of him! :-) 
I made this card for him and I must admit that I just love it.  It's a waterfall card with "Smileys" that I got off of the internet.  Since none of these images had a watermark, I think I'm safe in using them - I always worry about these things.  Anyway, as most of you know, it's such a great feeling when you make a card and it comes out even better than you planned, isn't it?  He liked it, and that is something to please a 16 year old teen boy, although I must admit that my son is one of those kids who is easy to please. Well, before this post gets any longer, let me show it to you ...

So, what do you all think?  Don't you just love the "Smileys"?

1 comment:

  1. It is such a cool card. Just rught for a boy his age. You did a goooood job!!


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