21 May 2012

Birthday Wishes

I've been looking at the tutorials of a wonderfully talented lady called Theresa Momber from Crafting the Web.  You have to take a few minutes to go cruise through her blog ... you'll be amazed!  Anyway, after a few attempts this is what I came up with.  I think it came out okay and that I still have a way to go, but I like it very much and had a lot of fun doing this new technique, well at least new for me :-)


  1. So pretty Lena! I love the scene. I lived in Hawaii when I was in the Navy. I loved the sunsets there. I love the purple. Great job.

  2. How pretty! Great job, on your first landscape card, it looks really good:) I love the different shades of purples.

    Peace, Love, & Cricut Hug's!
    Monica L.


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