03 May 2012

Baby Onesie Card

Isn't this cute?  I made this card for my little cousin who is due to be born in a couple of weeks.  I had the instructions to make a real cute girly one all in pink and lace, but I simplified it to make it more boy-ish. I didn't have any red, white and blue paper, so I took my trusty Bic markers and 5" x 5" piece of white card and went to work drawing the lines diagonally across the paper.  It came out just like I wanted so it worked well and was worth the trouble.  Trouble, you ask?  Yup, I realized that I'm not that great at drawing paparell lines, especially diagonal ones :-)  As they say, "Practice Makes Perfect" so I may try this again some time, maybe ... and then again maybe not!  hehehe

1 comment:

  1. very cute



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