27 May 2012

5000 Hits on my Blog! WOW!!!

When I started my little blog, it was just a way for me to share my crafts and cards. I had recently been given a cricut expression by my hubby and it was all fun from there. I can't believe that 3 years later, I grew my supplies multifold, expanded my little crafting corner into a full crafting room and made wonderful online friends. Whew, that's quite a list! Along this journey, I have spent countless hours cruising through your blogs, watching your video tutorials, and learning from all of you very talented crafty friends and I can't thank you all enough! I can't tell you what an honor it was, when I got my first email asking me for directions! Me!!! I was so proud and flabbergasted at the same time, that I still wonder today how she managed to follow my directions.
I've decided to celebrate this milestone on my blog by putting some blog candy together and having a draw for one lucky crafty friend who visits my blog. All you have to do is to leave a comment on this post. I would love for you to become a follower of my blog, but it is not necessary to win. You will, however have a better chance as I will enter your name twice into the draw. I will close this celebration at midnight on Wednesday night and pick a winner on Thursday morning. As for the blog candy ... well, it's a surprise so you will have to wait and see :-)
Once again, THANK YOU all for the wonderful support you have given me and for the encouraging comments you have left. I hope that you continue to visit often and find some inspiration along the way.


  1. Congrats I have to find out how I can do this too.

  2. Congrats! I have been a follower of yours for about a year now. I have learned so much from you and you have answered questions for me when I emailed you. Thanks for sharing your talent!


  3. Congratulations Lena! I love checking out your blog. You have wonderful cards. I have e-mailed you with questions about your cards and you always answered them. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Here's to 5,000 more pageviews!
    (I hope you come follow me as well :)

  4. Congratulations! I hope I get to 5,000 some day too. You always make such beautiful things and you always inspire me to work with new things such as alcohol inks, stamping, etc. Your incredibly talented and I love learning from you! :)



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