15 December 2011

More Home Decor

As promised here are another couple of pics of some of the decorations in our home. The first is of our Christmas village. I can look at it and picture Christmas at an old town in England in the 1800's. It's just so pretty! This was a set we bought 13 years ago when we first came to the US and it is my hubby's baby to put it up every year. He's so good about it too, every year, he changes it around and does something with the landscape, so that it's different. The church on the very left of the "village" is not part of the set but matches beautifully. It is an exact replica of a cathedral in The Netherlands. I forget in what city it is right now - will have to ask hubby and edit this post with the correct info later on :-)
The second pic is of the fireplace in our living room. I turned on the fireplace just for effect for the photo lol, although the flames don't really show up that well in this pic. With temperatures in the 80's like today, we really don't need it going, but when the cold does hit, we thoroughly enjoy it :-)
I wish Christmas lasted longer, I wouldn't mind having the decorations out for at least 3 months or so. I love our new home but I especially enjoy it more at Christmas time!
So for now I have a small request - how about you taking some pics of your home and sharing it with me, by leaving me a comment with a link to your blog so that I can come visit you.

1 comment:

  1. OH Oh Oh- I love your village and I showed my little girl and she really loves it tooooo!!! Your fireplace is gorgeous! Lena, where did you move here from?
    Very pretty!
    We had a small flood the other day and I just don't want to put my Christmas stuff away yet, I keep moving it all from room to room to stay out of the workmen's way


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