03 November 2011

Christmas Cardinal

This image is actually a combination of two stamps. I was able to make the cardinal look like it's perched on the branch, by using the masking technique and by having a son with great drawing skills :) Although I masked the cardinal, the branch stamp is a rubber stamp and therefore I cannot see through it while stamping and so missed it by a little bit. After several tries and still missing, my son decided to help mom out and draw in another branch for the cardinal to perch on. Didn't he do a great job? I'm just so happy with the way this came out, that I may try it again without all the frustration because now I know that I can get him to "fix" it for me :) You're probably wondering why I couldn't just draw a branch in there myself? Well, that's because my artistic skills are totally non-existant ~ I can't even draw a stick figure with ruler!

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