14 October 2011

Christmas Trumpet - Take 3

As I told you yesterday, I was going to try to emboss this trumpet image. I used silver instead of gold. Maybe because my son's trumpets are silver I just always picture a trumpet being silver lol. I guess the image does pop more, but it is still very difficult to find the tiny little leaves and the minute little berries to colour. You can't colour in the ribbon because most of it will emboss with whatever colour embossing power you are using. The card as such came out okay, I guess, but I just can't get this image to do what I had had in mind when I purchased it. It's just one of those things ... I had to have it and now it's going to sit in "the box". At least it won't feel lonely since I have some other such things in "the box" :-)


  1. I like this one the best! The silver embossing does make it pop and the leaves are more defined. Good job! :)


  2. Very pretty!! Wow new cards daily, you are working hard!


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