16 September 2011

Working with Vinyl

The students in our school band this year were given water bottles to carry with them to all games and performances. A good thing too, since our temperatures have been hovering in the 100's for the last couple of months! We were asked to put the student's name on the top and on the back so that they would be easily identifiable. Considering we have close to 300 kids, it really needs to be nice and clear. I'd been using a sharpie to do this, but it soon got old as it keeps washing off. I decided to try it out using outdoor vinyl. It really looks great and much neater!
I used the font from Plantin Schoolbook - the top letters are cut at approx. 3/4" and the ones on the back at approx. 1". I say approx. because I actually sized with DS and I forgot to look at the exact size.

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