23 July 2011

Dolphin Swim - 2-page Layout

We went to Fort Lauderdale for our annual beach vacation. What a wonderful time we had, and as usual the 10 days we spent there were just too darn short. While there, we drove to Miami and my son went swimming with the dolphins at the Miami Seaquarium. Here is my two page layout. I have others that I'm still working on. For these, I used Design Studio to weld the dolphins into a circle. The dolphins are from the 'Life is a Beach' cartridge and the title is from 'MS Seasonal Cake Art'. I seem to use my cake cartridges more for my scrapbooking and card making than for decorating cakes lol - but then the former are non-fattening :-)
Aug 2, 2011
I'm so excited ~ I made the Cricut Chirp with this layout. If you want to take a look, follow this link here. Halfway down the page, you will find it under Message Board Highlights. Here is the link to the actual post I entered in the Cricut Message Board.

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